New Year’s Resolution #1: Read Better News in 2022

Friday 5: 1-21-22
January 21, 2022
Friday 5: 1-28-22
January 28, 2022
Friday 5: 1-21-22
January 21, 2022
Friday 5: 1-28-22
January 28, 2022
New Year’s Resolution #1: Read Better News in 2022

THE TAKEAWAY: “If, from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep, you find your news gratifying, pleasing and consistent with your worldview, you’re doing it wrong.” – Major Garrett

I worked in media for a long time, and the “mainstream media” gets a bad rap. Most of it is completely unjustified, and while reporters make mistakes (they’re human beings, after all) the vast majority do really good work in a hostile environment for a long time.

That said, it is important to know what you’re reading… especially in an election year like 2022. As CBS News’ Major Garrett told us during our DC National Issues Forum in 2018:


So, that said, here is a good post that I share with groups from time to time. Disclaimer: No, it’s not perfect. No, I don’t agree with everything on the graphic below, but in broad strokes, it’s a very good representation of where the media lands:

(You can search an interactive chart here.)

I am frequently asked what I read and what content I consume to keep up with political news. If you’re curious, here is how our staff keeps on top of the news:

State News (read daily):

National News (read or skim daily):


What I don’t watch or read?

  • 24 hour news (CNN, Fox, MSNBC… unless there’s breaking news like the Notre Dame Cathedral fire)
  • Anything below the yellow rectangle above (I don’t have that much free time)

Don’t take this to mean that I read all of this every day. I do read the Wall Street Journal, Greenville News, Post & Courier, and The State every day. The others I scan. I listen to the podcasts at my desk or in the car on the way to Columbia or crisscrossing the Upstate.

Again, read or listen to what you think is best, but please remember Major Garrett’s words from the top. That’s the biggest takeaway.