Voter Registration: January 30, 2020 Deadline

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Voter Registration: January 30, 2020 Deadline

If voting in South Carolina’s Democratic presidential primary is on your to-do list for February 2020, make sure you also have a completed and submitted voter registration by January 30, 2020.

Q: Who is eligible?

A: Those considered eligible to participate in the upcoming election must meet the following requirements:

  • US Citizen
  • At least 18 years old on or before November 3, 2020
  • South Carolina resident, county resident, precinct resident
  • No court order ruling you mentally incompetent
  • You are not a felon currently serving a sentence or on probation/parole for a crime
  • Not subject to prison confinement as a result of a crime conviction

Q: When do I need to have everything submitted?

A: The deadlines to register in person, online, or by mail, are as follows:

  • In Office: January 30, 2020 by 5 p.m.
  • Email, fax, or online by 11:59, January 30, 2020
  • All registrations submitted by mail must be postmarked for January 30, 2020.

Need to Know:

As a part of the Motor Voter Act, residents may visit local branches of their Department of Motor Vehicles to conduct voter registration. Those registering at a DMV location should expect up to six weeks for the registration card to be mailed to their residence.

According to the South Carolina Election Commission, “If submitting an online registration, you must have a valid driver’s license or identification card issued by the S.C. Department of Motor Vehicles. If your address has changed, you must update your address with the DMV first before continuing with online voter registration”.

Helpful Links:

To access online registration, please click here.

To access the form to submit by mail, fax, or email, click here.

To find your voting precinct, click here.

To check your current voter registration information already on record, click here.


Happy Voting!