Friday 5 3.13.20
March 13, 2020
Advocacy 101 Registration Open
June 30, 2020UCC Releases “GrowSC Agenda”

The Upstate Chamber Coalition, partnering with other business groups from across the state, released our GrowSC Agenda today in meetings with our legislative delegations. You can see the entire agenda here, but here are the major topics:
- Small Business Funding – We support a plan to set aside at least $100 million in CARES Act funding to provide critical funding to small, minority-owned, women-owned, and veteran-owned businesses.
- Liability Protections for Businesses
- Unemployment Insurance – Layoffs that stemmed from shutdowns should not affect a business’ experience rating.
- Prioritize School Re-Opening – We urge state leaders to create a strategic plan for re-opening schools.
- Increase Access to Childcare
- Protect the Workforce and our Students – Our state needs to ensure sufficient funding for testing and PPE.
- New Economic Development Incentives for bringing manufacturing operations back to South Carolina.
- Expand Broadband Access
- Jump Start Local Economies Through Aggressive Tourism Promotion
The General Assembly is expected to return later this month, and again in September, and it is imperative they address these issues.